After a lazy drive down from bangalore, reached udupi at 8 am in the morning. Luckily there were no rains.
After breakfast with muku at his place, caught up on the latest gossip ;)
Then played snooker and met up with zed and raki. Sumptuos meal with some beer. Zed went home and we three carried on to chandan sirs place. Had a rocking time. Now am on the bus to my home in Nagara (in shimoga district) to celebrate ganesh chaturthi.
Will post some beautiful snaps of the scenery once i getback, cos theres no internet or mobile network at home...meanwhile lets see if mobile blogging is fun..go blOgger!!!
Aug 31, 2008
Aug 30, 2008
Going home !!!!
Hey hey...
Finally the month is ending, time to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi!!! Going home on Saturday an will be back on Thursday with lots of interesting stuff. Also going to try out mobile bloggin till then..lets see if its worth it?!!
Meanwhile,lots of things happening on the professional front. Making up a journal for some 15 entried on ma new blog business bubbles, so that I can have a similar line of content. Of course I will be posting randomly on daily mirror, Thats what its for anyway!
Somehow motivated another roomie to get into blogging. Can check out his blog at
Lots of intersting stuff going to come up there too!!!
Any way till then
Finally the month is ending, time to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi!!! Going home on Saturday an will be back on Thursday with lots of interesting stuff. Also going to try out mobile bloggin till then..lets see if its worth it?!!
Meanwhile,lots of things happening on the professional front. Making up a journal for some 15 entried on ma new blog business bubbles, so that I can have a similar line of content. Of course I will be posting randomly on daily mirror, Thats what its for anyway!
Somehow motivated another roomie to get into blogging. Can check out his blog at
Lots of intersting stuff going to come up there too!!!
Any way till then
Aug 27, 2008
Aug 25, 2008
Beautiful poem
शर्म कहाँ से होगी
कपड़े हो गए छोटे, शर्म कहाँ से होगी
अनाज हो गए हाय ब्रीद, स्वाद कहाँ से होगा
नेता हो गए कुर्सी के. देश भावना कहाँ से होगी
फूल हो गए प्लास्टिक के, कुश्बू कहाँ से होगी
चेहरे हो गए मके उप के, रूप कहाँ से होगा
खाना हो गया दालदा का, थाक्थ कहाँ से होगी
प्रोग्राम हो गए केबल के, संस्कार कहाँ से होगी
आदमी हो गए पैसे के, दया कहाँ से होगी
भक्त हो गए स्वार्थ के, ईश्वर कहाँ से होगा
व्यापार हो गए हेरा फेरी का, मुनाफा कहाँ से होगा,
व्यवहार हो गए टेलीफोन का, शर्म कहाँ से होगी.
(This beautiful poem was written by Shri Kapur Patel from Rajasthan. I read it ina local Marwadi magazine and had written it down. I do not remember the name of the magazine or the date. It has been reproduced here in original form without any changes)
कपड़े हो गए छोटे, शर्म कहाँ से होगी
अनाज हो गए हाय ब्रीद, स्वाद कहाँ से होगा
नेता हो गए कुर्सी के. देश भावना कहाँ से होगी
फूल हो गए प्लास्टिक के, कुश्बू कहाँ से होगी
चेहरे हो गए मके उप के, रूप कहाँ से होगा
खाना हो गया दालदा का, थाक्थ कहाँ से होगी
प्रोग्राम हो गए केबल के, संस्कार कहाँ से होगी
आदमी हो गए पैसे के, दया कहाँ से होगी
भक्त हो गए स्वार्थ के, ईश्वर कहाँ से होगा
व्यापार हो गए हेरा फेरी का, मुनाफा कहाँ से होगा,
व्यवहार हो गए टेलीफोन का, शर्म कहाँ से होगी.
(This beautiful poem was written by Shri Kapur Patel from Rajasthan. I read it ina local Marwadi magazine and had written it down. I do not remember the name of the magazine or the date. It has been reproduced here in original form without any changes)
Aug 24, 2008
A tribute to "Randy Pausch"

Prof Randy Pausch had pancreatic cancer. He was a professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and became famous after delivering his famous last lecture on september 17t, 2007. He had planned this lecture after being given 5 to 6 months of good health.
Now the important part. Randy spoke of Achieving your childhood dreams. After reading his book I have realized what optimism and honesty can do to change your life. Many things that we know are right and dont follow make a big difference in life. Randy has tried (and Succeeded .) through this lecture to make us realize what we are doing and what we can do. Its not a to do list for success. Instead its a story of how a man who knows hes got limited time lives his life to the fullest extent and places great faith in seizing the moment. Making your dreams possible and further more helping others achieve their dreams.
In no way is it possible for me to say in text what Randy has actually communicated, but these are the few highlights which I picked straight off the book
1. "When your screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore it means they have given up on you" (Pg 37-I never made it to the NFL)
2. "The Brick walls are there to stop the people who dont want it badly enough. They're there to stop the other people" ( Pg 73-Romancing the Brick Wall)
3. "Dont Complain, Just work Harder" ( Pg 138-Chapter 32)
4. "Treat the Disease, not the sympton" (Pg 139-chapter 33)
5. " Look for the Best in everybody" ( Pg 145-chapter 36)
6. " Watch what they do, not what they say" ( Pg 145-chapter 37)
7. " Whether you think you can or cant, your right" ( Pg 147- chapter 38)
There are many more beautiful things in the lecture, but I wish and hope that you read the book and experience it. Its all about having fun and making the most of life.
I have never met and did not hear about Randy until a day ago. But somehow I feel that I am greatly touched by Randy and in someway he has changed the direction of my thoughts. It has been an honour and a privelge to know that there was someone like Randy in these times who honestly tried to make a difference. I am Humbled at his selflessness in thinking and sharing with the world when many would have been depressed and in self pity. The impact he has made is unbelivable.
The following excerpt is taken from a May 3rd Wall Street Journal article written by Jeffrey Zaslow about Randy Pausch and his final farewell :"Randy is thrilled that so many people are finding his lecture beneficial, and he hopes the book also will be a meaningful legacy for him. Still, all along, he kept reminding me that he was reaching into his heart, offering his life lessons, mostly to address an audience of three. "I'm attempting to put myself in a bottle that will one day wash up on the beach for my children," he said."
Some useful links
You tube video :
Wikipedia :
The book :
CMU Lectures :
I hope everyone reads this book again and again again and understands the depth of what you can do and how life can change...Its all how you look at it. Thats the picture I started this blog with...

On July 25, 2008, Pausch died from pancreatic cancer at his family's home in Chesapeake, Virginia, having moved there so that his wife and children would be near family after his death.He is survived by his wife Jai, and their three children, Dylan, Logan and Chloe.
This is my tribute to a great Human Being.....Thank you Randy
Modest academic!!!
Well well well...fantastic saturday..met my best sir/friend and mentor in some ways today..met my juniors..some shopping for taking back home. Many things interesting but I will post some touching things tommorrow...
As for Today...we all tend to exagerate our marks by .05, .9 etc..Like when it is 62.5 it becomes 63% or 65 even..Have you ever seen somebody reduce it to 62??
Well yours truly, (smart fellow that I am )have been enlightened today by Chandan Saar that I have been telling everyone( EVERYONE including on my resume) that my CGPA was 6.9/10
When IT ACTUALLY WAS 7.9/10!!!
CAn you believe wonder I wasnt getting any calls from head hunters! We were in coffee day when this gyaan was given to me and we all cheered with a cool blue to celebrate.
Tommorrow will be a new label entry too..entitled "Reviews and tributes" and I hope it would make an interesting read...
Hey do leave your comments...will be looking frward to it..
As for Today...we all tend to exagerate our marks by .05, .9 etc..Like when it is 62.5 it becomes 63% or 65 even..Have you ever seen somebody reduce it to 62??
Well yours truly, (smart fellow that I am )have been enlightened today by Chandan Saar that I have been telling everyone( EVERYONE including on my resume) that my CGPA was 6.9/10
When IT ACTUALLY WAS 7.9/10!!!
CAn you believe wonder I wasnt getting any calls from head hunters! We were in coffee day when this gyaan was given to me and we all cheered with a cool blue to celebrate.
Tommorrow will be a new label entry too..entitled "Reviews and tributes" and I hope it would make an interesting read...
Hey do leave your comments...will be looking frward to it..
Aug 21, 2008
The day it Poured!!!
6:00 am
Wake up. Its Raining. Back to sleep
6:30 am
Its Still Raining. Back to sleep
7:00 am
Door bell rings. OPen door for maid. Sleep on chair.
7:45 am
Close door for maid. Its still raining. Sleep on nearest flat surface.
8:00 am
Alam rings. Throw mobile in nearest pile of clothes.SLeep
8:30 am
Its still raining. REad the newspaper with one eye
8:45 am
Its pouring now. Read paper with both eyes.
9:20 am
start getting ready. Chomp some bread while tying shoe lace and balance laptop.
(This is the part where I leave to work. It absolutelty STOPS RAINING ) what the #$1%^!!!
6:30 pm
Stuck in traffic jam. Plan for movie at 7 with roomies.
6:45 pm
It starts RAINING. Get wet while light turns green at signal.
6:50 pm

PArk the vehicle, run for cover. IT starts POURING.
6:55 pm
Stops raining. Run to the bike. STart. ROARRRRrrrr..
6:59 pm

Catch the sunset on the flyover. take a snap while driving with one hand.
7:10 pm
Sit wet in a cinema hall. Watch movie for three hours. Get cold
10.15 pm
Reach home. CAtch a cold (fever the next day)
sleep till 6 am. Then refer first line!!!
Aug 19, 2008
Running the rat race
The other day I was just passing by a temple. There was some ceremony going on and there was a huge crowd of people standing in a huge queue to enter the shrine.
On first apperance it looked that the vast majority of people were just localites. But on closer observation it was clear that there were visitors from outside as well. And a BIG difference in the crowd....90% of them looked like your common man, simple guys with small time jobs, families to support on tight budgets..(Hey I could be absolutely wrong) but thats what they did look like.
That brought about a very stark thought. Where were all the Civic/city/accent/corolla guys, ur high flyinf top notch businessmen..Whom by no doubt you would find at the pubs and discos around the citi. I couldnt find a single person who looked like he would be wearing a business suit to work in the morning..(Here again I can be very very wrong).
Anyway the point is, does it point to hw society is culture is changing..the moment you climb a step in the ladder in the social rat race, your out reaching for the next step..and you do that by aping what others in the upper level are doing..without a thought as to why, what ,etc
Going to pubs and discos isnt a crime..but do you know why are you going it to have a good time or to show others you have a good time? Big difference there..Are you SATISFIED?
Dont run the rat life today!!!
Think about it
On first apperance it looked that the vast majority of people were just localites. But on closer observation it was clear that there were visitors from outside as well. And a BIG difference in the crowd....90% of them looked like your common man, simple guys with small time jobs, families to support on tight budgets..(Hey I could be absolutely wrong) but thats what they did look like.
That brought about a very stark thought. Where were all the Civic/city/accent/corolla guys, ur high flyinf top notch businessmen..Whom by no doubt you would find at the pubs and discos around the citi. I couldnt find a single person who looked like he would be wearing a business suit to work in the morning..(Here again I can be very very wrong).
Anyway the point is, does it point to hw society is culture is changing..the moment you climb a step in the ladder in the social rat race, your out reaching for the next step..and you do that by aping what others in the upper level are doing..without a thought as to why, what ,etc
Going to pubs and discos isnt a crime..but do you know why are you going it to have a good time or to show others you have a good time? Big difference there..Are you SATISFIED?
Dont run the rat life today!!!
Think about it
Basanti and the dancing dogs...
Hi Yaar,
"Basanti ko bolna kuthon ke samne math nachna. Kuthe kat-the hain. " (Ask basanti not to dance in front of the dogs, they bite!) If you got a call at 2 am in the night asking you this , what would you do...I really don know but we had a hilarious time calling all our friends and asking them all sorts of questions...
It was raining and there was no power, very boring, no LPG to cook we thought we would enquire about the general status of the world...with no consideration about the time..the calls went all over INdia...orissa, hydbad,mumbai (we dont discriminate you see)... we did get s ome whath the F's and Ma******s, and all that..but hey we had a rocking time !!!
So next time its raining, theres non power and your bored, pick up that phone and go ahead asking about the welfare of your society!!!
ok then, till next time..
oh just forgot,, dont forget to ask basanthi not to dance with the dogs..they bite!!!
"Basanti ko bolna kuthon ke samne math nachna. Kuthe kat-the hain. " (Ask basanti not to dance in front of the dogs, they bite!) If you got a call at 2 am in the night asking you this , what would you do...I really don know but we had a hilarious time calling all our friends and asking them all sorts of questions...
It was raining and there was no power, very boring, no LPG to cook we thought we would enquire about the general status of the world...with no consideration about the time..the calls went all over INdia...orissa, hydbad,mumbai (we dont discriminate you see)... we did get s ome whath the F's and Ma******s, and all that..but hey we had a rocking time !!!
So next time its raining, theres non power and your bored, pick up that phone and go ahead asking about the welfare of your society!!!
ok then, till next time..
oh just forgot,, dont forget to ask basanthi not to dance with the dogs..they bite!!!
Aug 17, 2008
Three GEeKs and a Duffer!!!
The title should have read more as three engineers and an MBA. that ees my roomies and me.
We were just out on our usual sunday night dinner, and somewhere something motivated my roomies to start on their c++ languages and escalations and so on... . So not wanting to disturb my fellow "to-be-bill gates-steve jobs-and all" I quietly listened hoping to pick up a few "XML .net scripts to be run timed in production with SCM going thru audit for a major release " Fundas....however very soon the chineese looking waiters started giving us the looks...clearly they were not impressed with our java v/s symbian v/s something else discussion over a delicious peking chicken. And I completley agreed, cos we were there to eat right?
Or so poor ol me thought, my guys were going on about some tom doing something to harry and getting some dick to stay up all night to have a major release?! (Sounds normal rite ;p)
However the chicken started getting bored and I was worried if the fried chicken would walk over to the other table and ask the other customers to eat him, So finally I started eating and soon the food started dissapearing! And worried about the food dissapearing my roomies jump into the food...
So there, My appetite saved the day!! or dinner more appropriately!
Till the next dining escapade...
ADios amigos
We were just out on our usual sunday night dinner, and somewhere something motivated my roomies to start on their c++ languages and escalations and so on... . So not wanting to disturb my fellow "to-be-bill gates-steve jobs-and all" I quietly listened hoping to pick up a few "XML .net scripts to be run timed in production with SCM going thru audit for a major release " Fundas....however very soon the chineese looking waiters started giving us the looks...clearly they were not impressed with our java v/s symbian v/s something else discussion over a delicious peking chicken. And I completley agreed, cos we were there to eat right?
Or so poor ol me thought, my guys were going on about some tom doing something to harry and getting some dick to stay up all night to have a major release?! (Sounds normal rite ;p)
However the chicken started getting bored and I was worried if the fried chicken would walk over to the other table and ask the other customers to eat him, So finally I started eating and soon the food started dissapearing! And worried about the food dissapearing my roomies jump into the food...
So there, My appetite saved the day!! or dinner more appropriately!
Till the next dining escapade...
ADios amigos
Aug 2, 2008
Rock ON...!!!
Well whatever i wanna post would only be a repetition of what i have already theres nothing interesting to post..tired of doing the same things...looking forward to having a rocking lets keep rocking...rock on :) !!!
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