Just Emkaying: The One with MPD, Slimming & Sandhya Mridul

Jan 25, 2016

The One with MPD, Slimming & Sandhya Mridul

Welcome to another edition of Just Emkaying. You are just in time for the the third successive post on a Sunday evening, that too, at approximately the same time. That half of the people who I expect to read this do not exist, is a different matter.

But if you are performing, then why not perform expecting the President, eh?

I am currently running about a week or so behind the actual calendar dates. So if you have already heard some parts of this post in person, do keep reading. I exaggerate very well for comic effect when I write. Additionally I want to talk a little bit about Multi Personality Disorder that came up twice this week!

Gasp! MPD? Is our Born in Bahrain - Grew up in Bangalore - working in Mumbai hero alright?

First things first. Last Sunday I met up with a tweep from Twitter at Leaping Windows.

Tweep is a person who uses Twitter. No one was crying.

So as some of you know, for the purpose of anonymity or when I need to dissuade real life people from stalking real life me, I have multiple twitter accounts. Largely only one runs active at a time, but there are weeks when both are active. Sometimes even three!

So when I was told that both the personalities on Twitter are so different, I actually did realise that I may come across as being different. But it's actually more of a tone of voice change than having contrary points of views.

Like Hot Stud vs Charming suave talker.

And recently a friend announced that the other real life me is actually a "Kaam wali Bai" who masquerades around as a marketeer during the day. Heh. (Why do people have to make things public, sheesh!)

(Also note the italic conversation across the blog posts being a secondary line of commentary, not so hard to believe eh?)

Umm. Maushi?!

Talking of multi personality, I was at the RTO for my learners licence after I confrimed my personal details for data verification on the computer, and left, only to be tapped on the shoulder a few minutes later by a guy who said he had the exact same date of birth as mine, and hence the operator was wondering why the system refused to change the date. Mild Panic ensued.


Sheeba from Nana Nani park
Off late I've been getting healthy. I have found it quite difficult to make people believe me when I tell them the truth of the how. So now I've decided to tell whoever asks me, that I stand on my head for 3 minutes before drinking half a glass of water with lemon and honey and then yell out "GO AWAY YE HATEFUL BULK" from the north west corner of the terrace (preferably 8th floor)

I am determined and hell bent on getting fit this year and my sole motivation has been Sheeba. She's pretty, kind and non judgemental. In fact, since I didn't meet her for a week, she gave me extra affection today, and almost scratched me when I tried to leave.

Bah! Felines, so possessive I tell you!

Speaking of Weight loss, I highly recommend Raw Pressery's cold pressed juices and their weekly cleanse. At Rs 1500 bucks for a 6 * 410ml of fresh cold juice for a day, its expensive deal. But it definitely is worth it! If you can stick to this 6 bottle a day routine once in 2 weeks, you'll be seeing those numbers getting off soon! Not to mention that you probably will spend more than that on a weekend dinner outing.

This recommendation also has nothing to do with publicity or getting discounts from RawPressery. Honest. *blinking halo*

Now, this is where Sandy (Sandhya Mridul) comes in. I had tweeted out the below photo with she had "hearted". (check the tweet here and click on heart to see who liked it)

Sudden new appreciation is coming for Twitter's move to change "likes" to "hearts"

Now ordinarily, Leaping Windows (the restaurant, not action) is quite a common place for celebs. But I have almost never seen anyone. So what are the chances that you are sitting with a friend at the place, which is uncharacteristically empty, and bang opposite I see Sandy come and sit down! And it was just the previous day that I had successfully completed the 6 drink a day thingy, so it kind of felt like encouragement.

No there are no photos. One should not disturb people having coffee. It's sacred time.

Oh by the way, food was cooked at home today, so if the sun rose on the wrong side or if some places received unexpected rainfall, all I have to say is - You are welcome.

Actually, I've been mumbling on about how I believe driving skills is genetically passed on, I also think cooking skills are. So the act of cooking is not necessarily tough or complicated.


The act of using a stove is.

Why the hell is switching on the gas so complicated? Knob goes up? Down? Sideways? But wasn't that how it was originally? Was it on all this while! Where's my phone?

*dials emergency number*

"Hi mom!"
"yeah, all fine. Tell me how to switch this gas thing on."
"Yes I know you told me a 100 times"
"down? OkThanksBye"

And in other news, the week was pretty awesome. I love the way the year has started off, and especially my spidey sense has been exceptionally on point. I hope this stays and I remain on this fab journey that has taken over my life.

Have you ever noticed people's eyes? You should. Look at them. Intently.

People with kind hearts have eyes that are fascinating :)



  1. I wish there was a heart button here. Totally loved this post ^_^

    PS: Are My eyes fascinating or not? *just curious* ๐Ÿ˜›

    1. Alas, I discovered this great truth only recently, but am sure you do :)
