
Dec 31, 2015

Bye Bye 2015

The writing of a post at the end of the year has been a tradition ever since the the inception of this blog. Am not sure if it still remains a blog or if it's more of a random musing kind of thing. Nonetheless, I feel this immense weight on my shoulders to write after ignoring this site for a good many months.

I am a vivid dreamer, both night and day. Some of you may know my tales which I might mumble over a conversation with the right audience, but largely on a one on one basis. While most of my college life it was very limited to random dreams of snakes (and I have no fear of snakes to be honest) of more recent it has been very strange movie themed dreams that often include people who've been on my mind. I've been on war style attacks on random mushroom shaped homes, and I've been one romantic liaisons with people who never even featured on my list when am awake. To clarify, I don't have a list.

Dec 29, 2015

Why you no marrying Beta? 3 years later.

One of the questions I get most often, and many of you who know me on first punch abuse name basis do ask me this - "When are you getting married?" This ranks as the second most popular question I have ever got asked, just a few marks below the more judgmental "Why are you not getting married?" & "What's wrong with you?"

Let me just clear the air for all of you who have similar questions: I don't like the question.

3 years ago, I had to put down my first official conversation on this subject. "Why you no marrying Beta?". This was a testament to how every single guy has to face this question the moment he earns his first salary.

"Welcome to XYZ Corp. As your boss I will introduce you to everyone & the facilities. And here's your advance salary to tide you over for the first 2 weeks. Oh and by the way, your mom wants to talk to you."

May 7, 2015

5 things that don't happen when you turn 30

It's happened.

On Feb 14 this year I turned 30. I think that's like 50% of my life given I'd be grateful to live normally till 60, unless they create a mechanism that lets people live on even though their physical bodies have died. This is under the assumption that politicians still function even though their brains and hearts are dead before they reach the parliament, broadly speaking - same prinicple.

That being said, let me break the following myths.

1. 30 rocks!

No, 30 doesn't rock. If anything you are confused between acting "your age" and "being young at heart" whatever that means. I am still working, still doing the same things on weekends, etc. I still have to beg auto rickshaws for a ride, and the bus conductor still makes a face for change. Beer costs the same, and there's less of rock in rock music than ever.


2. You can do whatever you want in life

Only Deepak Chopra can do whatever he wants in life. The rest need to smoke up.


3. You are financially free 

Whoever wrote this up has either never worked through 30, or lies for a living.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...'lend me some money cough'

4. You learn that you don't always get what you want

5. It's time for you to settle down

WTF does that mean? Is it like "ooh am thirty, my landing gear is coming out, lets land"

In parting.


Feb 28, 2015


Its quiet.
Its been so for many days
I now have 25 minutes
to put silence
into phrase
how much has changed
I can't really say
and another day will pass
as I struggle to tell you
what I did yesterday
like a boat at anchor
with nowhere to go
waiting for a mission
a captain, a wave, a voice
a simple hello
I have now 20 minutes
to write
of years of patience
and silent nights
of waiting for the sun to set
and then to rise
to just go on
now i wonder at it all
the sense of feeling
is gone
slipping into blank things
that aren't really there
my sight is failing
my hope is waning
I've 15 minutes more
i've already wandered
such is my belief now
weary are my fingers
my heart and eyes
the warmth is replaced
an acknowledgement perhaps
of inevitability
like a law of sorts
that it just won't work
oh how slow this clock tick tocks
I still have 5 minutes
so easy it was to bare
Oh so much had I to share
now in walls and shells
of simple luxury, cursed with
a  heart's empty hell
it is done
and as the clock strikes
it is again,

Feb 1, 2015

The Fitness Mafia and Melissa

Did you know? 9 out of 10 visitors to this site would have at some point of time considered joining a gym or fitness center to get into better shape.The best part of this whole better shape feeling, is that better shape is subjective, just like Black money is dependent on which side of the Parliament you sit on.

Thin guys want to get bulky, bulky guys want to get sharp, Sharp guys want to get sharper with 6 pack abs, and so on and so forth (or basically Christian Bale in different stages of his acting career). That means, you could walk up to anyone and tell them "Hey, you should hit the gym" and they will ALWAYS agree, because their ideal shape is one that they currently aren't or probably too unrealistic.

I don't know if he knows it, but Christian Bale has a fabulous parallel career option as a Fitness Trainer.

Jan 31, 2015

January - Resolution breaking time!!!

Hello readers and welcome to a brand new edition of  "Writing because its almost the end of the first month of the year and I haven't written anything and I must at least keep my resolution of writing regularly for a month before breaking them"