
Dec 27, 2010

How do they do it ?!!

After a long time, I had the pleasure of reading through the gadzillion blogs that I have subscribed to, without reading a single post. Why you ask?, well maybe the header was interesting, or I found a funny line in it, or the overall theme seemed to fit my mood at the minute.

I have read some of the posts over some time, which decided if I kept following or dumped it.

Eventually I never dumped any of the blogs, fearing some kind of retribution from the blogosphere. Till today that is.

Anyways,  I was just going through these blogs, and they were like amazing. The kind of content was crazy, there blogs that had post made out of anything and everything. One female was ranting on and on about her underwear, while one guy made up a post just by using Fuck a million times. And it was truly hilarious!!!

Jeez, How do they do it?!!


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