
Nov 19, 2008

Thank you readers!!!

 Today Daily Mirror has reached subscription of 10 readers. Its a big step for me as an author and I am totally floored by your patronage. In addition I would also like to thank followers and readers who have not been included above. A big Thanks to all of you.

Currently the blog is under remodelling, am trying to make head and tail of the CSS and customizable widgets and stuff. However there are more plans for Daily Mirror coming up soon.

Current changes.

1. You will know be able to digg interesting articles other than THE STORY, The button will be on the top right hand corner (Check out QOS Review for the same)

2. You can also join my blog network via Blog Catalog, Technorati, IndiBlogger and Facebook Blog Networks, apart from RSS feeds. 

3. You can also add me on Twitter, Facebook and Digg.

Coming up soon

1. Links to Orkut and Email Subscription options

2. A top posts of the week header

3. Interesting Blogs of the week/Fortnight

4. Anything else you may suggest

I also REquest you to keep coming and Posting your comments!!! 

Thanks guys!


  1. Didn't know you wrote so well.. great work!

    Keep it up mate!

  2. Thanks for that Shiv, Coming from you its a big big big big (get the picture!!!) compliment!!! Thanks dude
